How to choose the right Viral Loops template for your campaign.

viral loops templates for your campaign

I know that you fell in love with Viral Loops the moment you laid your eyes on it. I know that you are attracted by its features and the possibilities it offers.

But is there a way to make sure that you’ll pick the template that fits to your needs?

Yes, there is!

The are 3 main factors that you should take under consideration when you want to choose the suitable Viral Loops for your campaign:

  1. The platform you’re using.
  2. The type of campaign you want to run.
  3. Your campaign’s flow (i.g. How you want people to participate and how you want to reward them)

Supported Templates/ Platform and the next best thing.

The options you have when it comes to our templates, depending on the platform that you’re using to run your business (WordPress, Shopify, etc.).

In the diagram below, you can see the type of templates we support on each of the most popular platforms.

Note that even if you want to pick a template that is not supported for the platform you use, there’s a solution called ‘Viral Loops Pages’, which you can use to build a fully customizable landing page for your campaign.

It’s really easy, and you can truly create a page in minutes.

Campaign Types

If your goal is to increase and track conversions on your website (purchases, demo bookings, events etc), and your platform supports it, you may choose the eCommerce Referral template. If your website is custom-made, you’re all in for the Altruistic Referral Template.

In case you want to create a pre-launch campaign for your product/service, then our Prelaunch template is the right fit for you.

You possibly want to turn your users into fanatic ambassadors (like The Hustle did), so the Milestone Template includes anything you might need to do so.

Now, if you’re aiming to increase your brand’s awareness, or just populate a huge database of leads for your marketing campaigns, you can choose among the Milestone, Leaderboard, Sweepstake, or  Refer a Friend template.

How about Rewards?

The way you choose to reward your participants is something that might make, or break your campaign. You have 5 options:

  1. Reward participants for every friend they refer – The Refer a Friend Template.
  2. Reward participants when they reach certain milestones – The Milestone Referral Template.
  3. Reward the top referrers of your campaign – The Leaderboard Template.
  4. Give participants more chances to win for every successful referral they make – The Sweepstake Template.
  5. Reward participants when their referrals make a purchase – The eCommerce, or Altruistic Referral Template.

Before you go.

It’s time to recap. There are 3 main factors to take under consideration when you want to choose the right Viral Loops template for your campaign:

  1. The platform you’re using.
  2. The type of campaign you want to run.
  3. Your campaign’s flow (i.g. How you want people to participate and how you want to reward them).

In case you have any additional questions or just want us to guide you step by step, you can contact our stellar customer support team anytime.

Until the next time, keep being awesome!



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